Champion A Child
The "Champion a Child" Campaign is an Adassa Adumori Foundation initiative to eradicate
poverty amongst children and their families primarily in Africa, other third world countries and within the United States
of America.
Africans believe that Education is the ultimate key and a "way out" of poverty. As such, the foundation
has established several programs to address this (continued)....
Champion A Village
“Champion a Village” is Adassa- Adumori Foundation’s development program which
seeks to bring about a quality of life in targeted communities. We approach community development in a holistic and multifaceted
way. Adassa- Adumori Foundation collaborates with rural communities to identify areas of needs in the following sectors:
-Health, -Women, Children and Families,-Youth and Community Development (continued)....
Champion An Orphanage
January 2009, we visited the Living Fountain Orphanage located in lagos, Nigeria. We went in thinking we were going
to "bless" the children. As it turns out, the children were indeed the blessing to the Adassa Adumori Foundation (continued)....
Free Medical & Dental Care and Education
for Indigenes
With assistance from US Medical Doctors, Nurses, Physical
Therapists, Dentists etc, the Adassa Adumori Foundation has pulled together an "alliance" to combat the healthcare crisis
inundating African children and their families (continued)....
Management & Leadership Training
With the assistance of our Consortium of Change Management Professionals, the Adassa Adumori Foundation
is helping to maximize productivity and teamwork, enhancing profitability, and strengthening communities ability to compete
in the 21st century (continued)....
Entrepreneurialship (Micro Credit Financing)
Farming has always been the main vocation of the people of Emure Kingdom. In recent years, due to lack of quality equipments
to farm, indegenes are beginning to find other means to provide for their families (continued)....