What We have Accomplished:
The Adassa Adumori Foundation has established a Scholarship
Fund for children from Elementary to Secondary levels of Education. (Click here for a recent scholarship announcement at Emure Kingdom)
The recent statistics on primary education available shows that there are about 2,015 primary schools in Nigeria with no buildings of any type. Classes are held under
trees. The quality of lectures conducted under such an inhumane condition would not be anything to be proud of.
For Africans, education is a crucial part
of freeing themselves from poverty. With deteriorated school buildings, inadequate school supplies, limited teachers and no
transportation to and from schools as well as finances for school uniforms etc; African children and families face a very
huge barrier in receiving an education.
With access to proper education, our children and families stand a chance of overcoming poverty and the
Adassa- Adumori Foundation seeks to provide educational opportunities through the support of primary and secondary schools
of learning or literacy programs; encouraging reading; funding the distribution of books and computers, repairing “currently
substandard” school buildings; providing functioning libraries & school supplies such as uniforms; providing a means
to secure health care staff who will run educational programs such as sex education; and immunizations. Leadership Development seminars will train community leaders on entrepreneur opportunities to increase
economic development.
Current Projects:
Establishment of a standard Library in Emure Kingdom
2) Building of an Enrichment Center
3) Leadership Training for Community Youths & Leaders
4) Scholarship Funds for Primary & Secondary School Students